Please note that DNC staff is monitoring and updating this list as frequently as possible. If you are aware of a change or addition to this page, please email Sam Black at sblack@downtownnorfolk.org.
We recommend calling stores to check on their status, hours of operation, and best options as well.
aLatte Cafe
Free delivery for only $15 per pound.
Chrysler Museum Glass Studio
Closed to the public until further notice.
d'Art Center
Shop online at the d'Art Etsy Shop.
Details on Granby
By appointment only, Tue-Fri.
For appointments, questions, or concerns, call or text 757-681-0616 or email Verrandall.
Kor Vintage
Tue-Thu, 11am-3pm,; Fri-Sat, 10am-5pm; Sun, 11am-5pm. Also by appointment.
Styling and personal shopper services.
Email for appointments and special orders.
Visit IG stories for special offers.
Virtual Events.
Lorak Jewelry
Tue-Thu, 11am-3pm; Fri-Sat, 10am-5pm; Sun, 11am-5pm. Also by appointment.
Email for custom orders.
MacArthur Center
Mon-Sat, 10am-8pm; Sun, Noon-6pm
Makeup by Kim Nicole
Pedego Electric Bikes Norfolk
By appointment only.
Prince Books
Adjusted hours:
Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm; Sat, 10am-5pm; Sun, 11am-5pm.
Prince Ink
Pure Lagos
Mon-Wed, 12pm-5pm; Thu, 11am-5pm; Fri-Sat, 10am-5pm; Sun, 11am-5pm
African fabric face masks.
Art sale.
Email for special orders.
Call for love tarot & readings, holistic healing and more.
Selden Optometry
Open for normal patient care. Masks & use of hand sanitizer required.
Stark & Legum
Adjusted hours: Mon, by appointment only; Tue-Sat, 11am-5pm
Tony's Barbershop
Call for appointment.
VA Goods
Tue-Thu, 11am-3pm; Fri-Sat, 10am-5pm; Sun, 11am-5pm.
Werther Leather Goods
Adjusted hours:
Tue-Sat, 10am-5pm; Sun, 11am-5pm
Email for special orders and shop online!