Downtown 100 Young Professionals Board
What is the Downtown 100 Young Professionals Board?
When you join Downtown 100, you are joining a highly-motivated group of young professionals, 21-40 years old, from Downtown’s business, cultural, and residential communities. DT100 is the Young Professionals Board of the Downtown Norfolk Council and are committed to and believe in a dynamic, attractive, and prosperous Downtown.
Downtown 100 serves as the voice of Downtown Norfolk’s young professionals by taking an active role in shaping Downtown’s future. DT100 guides and enhances the personal and professional growth of members through raising awareness, fundraising, and furthering the mission of Downtown Norfolk Council.
- Advocate for the projects and goals of Downtown Norfolk Council
- Develop transferable leadership skills to prepare members for further community and board service
- Provide the young professional voice in Downtown conversations
- Build a network of young professionals across industries
- Engage with Downtown Norfolk membership and stakeholders
- Support Downtown Norfolk Council projects and initiatives
- Fundraise for DNC programs, events, and operations
- Plan and execute two DNC Member Engagement Sessions annually with DNC staff support
- Engage regularly with Downtown Norfolk’s young professional workforce
- Provide quarterly DT100 updates to be included in DNC communications to Downtown members and stakeholders
Member Opportunities
- Advocate for young professional perspectives in Downtown conversations.
- Gain hands-on experience planning and executing programming.
- Attend most DNC member events & programs free of charge.
- Plan and execute two DNC Member Engagement Sessions annually with staff support
- Build a professional network by connecting with DNC members, leaders, and Downtown stakeholders.
- Support Downtown Norfolk’s projects, including the Grand Illumination Parade, The NEON District & NEON Festival, and Placemaking initiatives.
- Provide quarterly Young Professionals Updates to be included in DNC communications to Downtown members and stakeholders.
- Meet and collaborate with like-minded Downtown enthusiasts.
Downtown 100 Young Professionals Board Structure
The DT100 Young Professionals Board consists of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, and general membership. Officers serve a 2-year term.
Officers and Positions
- Chair: Primary leader and DNC Board Liaison with voting rights on the DNC Board.
- Vice Chair: Assists above and next in line as Chair.
- Secretary: Records and shares minutes of DT100 monthly meetings and maintains records of attendance and volunteer hours.
- Treasurer: Tracks budget and manages dues and membership.
- Historian: Leads social media endeavors and maintains archives and records.
- General Members: All other members of DT100 Young Professionals Board can step in as event or project leads as needed, serve as DNC committee liaisons for DNC committees, and participate in decision-making and active recruitment in support of DT100 initiatives.
Membership Guidelines
A Downtown 100 Young Professionals Board member is an individual who joins together with a group that is committed to the growth, well being and prosperity of Downtown Norfolk. This individual must either work or live Downtown, or be employed by an existing member of the Downtown Norfolk Council, and have a direct interest in keeping Downtown Norfolk growing and prospering. In addition to the $150.00 annual membership dues, the Downtown 100 member makes an annual commitment to be an active and responsible member.
A Downtown 100 Young Professionals Board member is committed to the growth, well-being and prosperity of Downtown. To be eligible, a member:
- Must live, work, or have a vested interest in Downtown Norfolk.
- Must be between 21-40 years old
- Must commit to membership of one year to renew by mutual choice on the first day of each calendar year
- Assist in reaching annual fundraising goal
- Must commit to 24 engagement hours, to include:
- Attendance at Young Professionals Board Meeting
- DNC committee meeting, and/or DNC and DT100 events
- Volunteer time at DNC-approved opportunities
- A cash donation
- For more information on becoming a member of the DT100 Young Professionals Board, email dt100@downtownnorfolk.org or call 757-623-1757.
Membership Dues
- Downtown 100 Young Professionals Board annual membership dues will be $150.00 per calendar year (January 1 – December 31)
- If a member resigns during the year, dues will not be refunded. Downtown 100 Young Professionals Board membership is non-transferable.
Downtown Norfolk Council
The Downtown Norfolk Council Vision
Downtown is the vibrant and welcoming center of Norfolk where people, culture, and commerce intersect.
The Downtown Norfolk Council Mission
DNC enhances Downtown Norfolk’s value, energy, and activity by providing essential clean and safe services, strengthening authentic urban experiences, and fostering inclusive community.
What is the relationship between DNC and the Downtown 100?
The Downtown Norfolk Council created the Downtown 100 Young Professionals Board with recognition that the future of Downtown Norfolk is in the hands of our young and emerging leaders. While DT100 has great autonomy, the Downtown Norfolk Council provides staff support, guidance and leadership. As the parent organization, Downtown Norfolk Council does all that it can to support the energy and potential of the Downtown 100.
DT100 Members serve renewable year-long terms that begin each January. Recruitment for the following year's membership will begin in the fall. Please complete the interest form below to let us know if you would like to learn more. Prospective members are welcome to attend events and projects throughout the year to get to know the organization and its members.
List of Current Downtown 100 Young Professionals Board Members