Marketing, Communications and Economic Development
The DID provides funding for marketing and advertising efforts that benefit all of Downtown and the surveys and research that inform decisions about how marketing dollars are spent. This research of the DID also supports a comprehensive communications program designed to keep Downtowners apprised of what's happening and what may positively or negatively impact their business or their Downtown lifestyle.
Marketing, Promotions & Communication
- Collateral development and production
- Construction Impact Mitigation Program
- Destination advertising and marketing
- Employee appreciation program
- Events and street activations
- Guide to Downtown Norfolk
- Holiday events and promotions
- Public Relations
- Random acts of kindness
- Restaurant Week promotions
- Social media
- Street Smarts
- Web site development, management and analytics
- Welcome kits
- Weekly Fast Facts
Economic Development & Support
- Consumer surveys
- Demographic and psychographic analysis
- Downtown Data
- Conditional Use Permit analysis
- Vibrancy Grant Program
- Selden Market retail incubation
- Street level match-making
- Worker surveys