Gold Bar Norfolk
The Downtown Norfolk Council (DNC) has partnered with the City of Norfolk and Safe Night LLC to implement an initiative that will develop a unified municipal nightlife strategy, improve business operation standards, and enhance economic viability. A Safe Night Out is a comprehensive nightlife management model that provides strategies to municipal agencies, business owners, trade associations, and the community to improve safety and build mutually beneficial relationships. The model utilizes a multi-component approach incorporating a voluntary hospitality accreditation program that includes employee policies and multi-faceted training. A Safe Night Out is a long-term program implemented in stages and teaches municipal agencies to do the following:
- Understand and evaluate the need for a unified nightlife approach
- Collect data and identify issues through analysis
- Identify vital stakeholders and establish collaborative relationships
- Teach municipal agencies the Proactive Alliance relationship-based approach
- Implement an Accreditation Program for businesses
- Improve effectiveness vibrancy through public-private partnerships
The resulting accreditation program, Gold Bar Norfolk, is aimed at bolstering the city's nighttime economy by developing improved relationships among Norfolk's businesses, municipal agencies, and community to improve safety and collaborative problem-solving. See the accreditation program guidelines here.
Businesses that participate in the voluntary accreditation program will receive special training and a decal denoting them as a Gold Bar Establishment upon completion of the program.

If you are interested in joining Gold Bar Norfolk, or for more information, please click here.