COVID-19 Resources for Restaurants
Following are some resources specific to the hospitality industry you may or may not be aware of, but we thought it would be helpful to have information compiled in one place. Also reminders of how DNC can help.
How DNC Can Help
- The more we know, the more we can promote. We are searching social media of our downtown restaurants constantly for updates on what everyone is doing, but please know you can just pick up the phone or email us with any promotions you are doing (cookie decorating kits, lunch specials, etc.) so we can help push out on our channels and promote for you. Call Jessica Kliner at 757-793-1344 or email jkliner@downtownnorfolk.org or sblack@downtownnorfolk.org.
- Help us keep our website updated. Our Coronavirus Resource Page is getting lots of traffic. Please be sure to review and make sure information about your business is accurate and up to date, and also take advantage of resources and information included.
- Curbside Signage. DNC is producing and installing signage for businesses offering curbside pick-up. If you don’t have a sign and want one, or if you need a replacement sign, email Sam Black here.
- The City of Norfolk has begun the OpenNorfolk initiative as a boots-on-the-ground small business assistance program which aims to help businesses enter phases with clear guidelines, toolkits, and hands-on assistance. Find information and see the rules & guidelines for yourself here.
- See Phase 3 Restaurant Guidelines — updated Nov. 13, 2020
- See Phase 2 Restaurant Guidelines
- See Phase 1 Restaurant Guidelines
- See Guidelines from Virginia Department of Health
- Streateries Guidelines and Manual — updated Dec. 4, 2020
DoorDash Restaurant Operator Relief Grant — updated February 4, 2021
- VRLTA is pleased to announce a partnership with DoorDash to support, recognize, and reward restaurants that have been actively engaged in helping their community and their business adapt during the pandemic through a new grant opportunity. DoorDash will award approximately 125 grants of $3,500 each for a total of up to $450,000 in grant money to Virginia businesses, so that local restaurants can continue to thrive.
- See elibility requirements, process, and more information here.
- Find the Online Application here.
Directive 10 Announcing Additional Actions Providing Relief for Restaurants and Distilleries Impacted by COVID-19 Pandemic
Governor Ralph Northam issued an executive directive authorizing the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority (ABC) to defer annual fees for licenses and permits that would be up for renewal through June. The Governor also directed the Virginia ABC to allow establishments with mixed beverage licenses, such as restaurants and distilleries, to sell mixed beverages through takeout or delivery, effective at midnight Thursday.
VRLTA Restaurant State & Federal Guidance Document Released April 6, 2020
VRLTA has released this resource to assist their restaurant members understand the COVID-19 federal relief programs that have been enacted, as well as to help provide additional guidance to restaurants on many frequently asked questions that deal with the actions from the Governor and state agencies.
FDA Updated Social Distancing Guidance for Food Retail Establishments
FDA has provided updated recommendations to employers on maintaining social distancing among employees in food retail establishments and on whether employees should wear face coverings to prevent exposure to COVID-19. The information is found in the “Questions & Answers for Industry” section of FDA’s Food Safety & the Coronavirus Disease 2019 resource page.
Temporary Waivers of Environmental Health Regulations
On March 12, 2020, Governor Ralph S. Northam issued Executive Order Fifty One (51), Declaration of a State of Emergency due to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) authorizing heads of executive agencies, with appropriate concurrence, to waive any state requirement or regulation. Virginia's Health Commissioner has signed off on a short-term waiver from some regulatory provisions as they pertain to food establishments, lodging establishments, migrant labor camps, private wells, onsite sewage, campgrounds, and the bedding and upholstery program.
Of particular note is the temporary waiver of the regulations relating to food establishment permits. Permits that are valid as of 3/30/2020 (and that would expire prior to 6/10/2020), will not expire until 06/10/2020. Regardless of a renewal date, renewed licenses will retain their original expiration period (i.e. those expiring in May 2020 will expire in May 2021 once renewed).
If you have any questions, please contact the Norfolk Department of Public Health at 757-683-2712.
Updating Your Google My Business
We strongly recommend that you update your Google My Business page, especially if you are offering takeout or delivery, reducing hours or other changes
Google My Business has a new option for businesses to indicate that they are temporarily closed. Selecting this option temporarily lessens the visibility of the business on search and maps. The temporary closure can be changed at any time
Industry Specific Help
- List of tips and resources for COVID-19
- Hosting various webinars on food industry resposnes to COVID-19
Facebook Business Resource Hub
- Facebook has put together tips and resources in support of small businesses.
- Facebook is also in the process of getting a grant program together. You can sign up for updates here.
- Big Spoon Co. has put together a list of COVID-19 resources specifically for food & beverage business and restaurant owners, including links to specific support funds, GoFundMe pages, Charity Foundations, and status reports on various initiatives and orders.
COVID-19 Hospitality Task Force
- This Facebook group focuses on the economic health and recovery of the independent food and beverage industry, and serves as a way for voices within this community to share ideas, concerns, and information.
National Restaurant Association Resource Page
- The National Restaurant Association has gathered FAQs, resources, and webinars.
Relief Funds
Restaurant Workers Community Foundation
- The Restaurant Workers Community Foundation has opened a COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund, with money raised going to Individual restaurant workers, non-profit organizations serving restaurant workers, and zero-interest loans for restaurants. FAQs can be found here.
- The Holli Fund provides emergency grants to food service workers in crisis. Applications are now available.
- The One Fair Wage campaign has started an Emergency Fund providing cash assistance to restaurant workers, car service drivers, delivery workers, personal service workers and more. Donations and applications are now available. FAQs can be found here.