COVID-19 City of Norfolk Resources and Information
- The City of Norfolk has begun the OpenNorfolk initiative as a boots-on-the-ground small business assistance program which aims to help businesses enter phases with clear guidelines, toolkits, and hands-on assistance. Find information and see the rules & guidelines for yourself here.
- See Phase 3 Restaurant Guidelines — updated Nov. 13, 2020
- See Phase 2 Restaurant Guidelines
- See Phase 1 Restaurant Guidelines
- See Guidelines from Virginia Department of Health
- Streateries Guidelines and Manual — Updated Dec. 4, 2020
City of Norfolk's Updates for Small Businesses
- See the City of Norfolk's resources, including Norfolk Business Assistance Programs and Local 7(A) Bank Contacts.
Capital Access Program 2021 Round 1
- City of Norfolk's Capital Access Program returns in 2021 with four capital accesss programs to grant business with the monetary help they need to push through the challenges of COVID-19.
- Review program information here.
- Apply here
CDBG Grant Funding Application and Survey Now Open
- The City of Norfolk seeks applications from area nonprofits for grant funding to respond to COVID-19, as well as input from residents on how best to award those resources.
- The deadline to apply for some of the $2,653,164 in CDBG-CV (CARES Act) funding is 4:30pm on May 15. This money must be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus. Priority will be given to proposals that maintain household stability (e.g. food, rent or utility subsidies) or address health care, economic development, or other COVID-19 related community needs. Find more information about this program and apply online.
- To help guide decisions on how to allocate these resources, the city has created a survey for residents to determine areas of highest need related to COVID-19 shutdowns and economic effects. Take the COVID-19 Resident and Business Needs survey. The survey will remain open through May 22.
Critical staffing levels in place through May 4
- Beginning Monday March 30 through May 4 (originally through April 13, but Norfolk extended to May 4 on April 13) city departments will further reduce staffing levels and service delivery in response to Governor Northam’s request for people to stay home and practice social distancing.
- Trash and recycling collection will continue. Bulk and yard waste collection will stop during this time because it takes two employees in one truck to collect materials. All trash must be in the green can with the lid closed. The driver will not get out of the truck to pick up any trash not in a can. Any bulk waste requests scheduled during this two-week period will be canceled. Residents must reschedule their request when city operations return to normal.
- Residents are asked to use MyNorfolk online or mobile app for all service requests versus calling Norfolk Cares and experiencing longer than normal wait times.
- Staff will continue to respond to emergency requests. Any requests that are not considered an emergency will be handled as soon as staffing levels return to normal.
April 10, HRT Board Temporarily Suspends Fare Collection
- As of April 10, HRT temporarily suspends all transit fares for HRT services. The suspension will continue until June 10 unless modified or rescinded by the board.
- HRT asks that if you must take transit during this pandemic, wear a mask. A home-made one is better than nothing. Do it to protect yourself and their operators.
- This change applies to all HRT services. HRT also encourages customers to board and exit from the rear of the bus, if possible.
- Customers with 7 or 30-day passes (activated prior to April 10, 2020) can request a pass replacement for the days lost, as appropriate. Pass replacement for the days lost will not be provided if passes are purchased, but not activated.
- Customers needing helps should Customer Relations at 757-222-6100, with the following information:
- Type of Fare Card
- Date of Activation
- Expiration Date
- Fare Card Serial #
- Personal Contact Information
- Customers should contact Customer Relations as soon as possible, but no later than May 10, 2020. After a short investigation, customers will be given instructions on how to claim their pass replacement.
Regional Call Center Set Up at Norfolk Department of Public Health
- Call center number is: (757) 683-2745.
- Hours of operation are 8am to 6pm, Monday through Friday.
- Due to the overwhelming demand of COVID-19 phone calls at local Health Districts, the eight Health Districts of Hampton Roads have combined resources to establish a COVID-19 call center for the public providing a centralized location to make requests for information.
- If all lines are busy or calls are received outside of operating hours, calls will be routed to a dedicated voicemail box and all calls will be returned within one business day.
All City of Norfolk Dog Parks and Some Parks Closed
All dog parks, Northside skate park, small neighborhood and school parks and picnic shelters will close today, March 26, at sunset and remain closed until further notice. The City is taking this unprecedented step to discourage gatherings in small, confined spaces in order to maintain the social distancing mandate. City staff and police on patrol will monitor these areas and disperse any gatherings of 10+ people. Public boat ramps and kayak launches will also remain open. Large parks that will remain open include: Town Point Park, Lakewood Park, Northside Park, Barraud Park, Poplar Hall Park and Bay Oaks Park. See the complete list of closed and open locations.
Parking Division Offers Relief for Monthly Customers
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Norfolk’s Division of Parking has developed the following Customer Assistance Program (CAP) to provide businesses and individuals stability and flexibility in their parking needs during this time of uncertainty
- Suspension of 30-day cancellation requirement: Customers may suspend their accounts for the month of April without providing the required 30-day cancellation notice.
- March Credits: Customers who ceased to use their parking passes after March 17 will be credited for two weeks.
- Payment Plans: Customers may defer payment of up to 1/2 of the monthly invoice fees for the duration of the pandemic, after which time flexible repayment agreements will be arranged with the City.
Parking staff continues to develop customer service support during the coronavirus response.
The customer service center on Main Street is closed in response to the coronavirus outbreak. You may contact the Parking Division at 757-664-6510 or via email.
HRT Bus Routes Changing
Effective Tuesday, March 31, 2020, HRT will begin an “Essential Service Plan” in response to the pandemic. Many routes have been temporarily suspended. HRT is trying to provide connections to every city and major activity center during the crisis. Visit online to learn more. PLEASE plan ahead. Check the Essential Service Plan by calling 757-222-6100. Your route may be affected. Maintain social distance and exit from the rear of the bus.
City of Norfolk's Coronavirus Disease Information page
- See the City's COVID-19 Fact Sheet.
City of Norfolk Alert Center
Keep up-to-date on Emergency Alert Notifications.
City Council Approves Tax Relief Program for Residents and Businesses
Norfolk City Council approved a comprehensive tax relief program during their March 24 meeting that eases financial burdens during the coronavirus pandemic. The program will give taxpayers and business owners the option to delay payment on business taxes and personal property taxes. The revised schedule for this temporary delay is: Late payments of meals tax, admissions tax, occupancy tax and transient occupancy tax due in April 2020, May 2020 and June 2020 will not be assessed penalty or interest until 60 days after their due date. Timely filing is still required. Late payments of business personal property tax, personal property tax and real estate tax due between the date of this ordinance and August 1, 2020 will not be assessed penalty and interest until August 1, 2020. Convenience fees for online transactions with the City Treasurer’s office occurring between the date of this ordinance and June 30, 2020 are waived. Taxpayers who pay with a credit card or other electronic payment method will not be charged a fee during this time. “This is the most aggressive tax payment deferral and fee waiver in our history, and it is only one of the many steps that we will be taking to ensure that Norfolk’s economy emerges quickly from this health and economic crisis Please stay tuned,” said Mayor Kenneth Cooper Alexander.
Tax Payment Clarification:
Tax revenue is important to the City of Norfolk to be able to provide much needed services, especially in this time of economic turmoil when services are in greater demand. Timely payments will assist the City to keep these vital services operational.
Due dates are March 31, 2020 and June 5, 2020 for Real Estate
Due dates are June 5, 2020 for Personal Property taxes.
Business tax filings are due by the 20th of each month. Businesses must file monthly.
If you are not able to pay by the due dates no late fees will be assessed until August 2, 2020.
Convenience fees for credit/debit cards and e-checks are waived until August 2, 2020.
If you do not want to pay any penalty, interest or convenience fees, pay your taxes before August 2, 2020, no exceptions.
- Norfolk's Convention and Visitors Bureau's Information on COVID-19